Carolina from Poland won the Miss World title

Carolina Beuleska of Poland won the title of the best in the 70th edition of Miss World. The runner up is Mr. Saini from USA. Miss World authorities said this on Thursday. Despite winning the Miss World title, Carolina wants to be an inspirational speaker in the future.

Carolina Beuleskar couldn’t believe her name as Miss World winner. “It’s still unbelievable that she won the Miss World crown,” he said. I was surprised to hear his name. However, I am honored to be crowned and I look forward to fulfilling my role as Miss World. ”

Carolina is currently pursuing a master’s degree in management. He said he wants to do PAED. Carolina is involved in modeling as well as studying. Carolina Beuleska works for the welfare of the needy through an organization. Loves to swim and scuba dive at leisure. He also played tennis and badminton. Source: Miss World